Deal breakers – Guest Post


There are some more obvious deal breakers but what about those little white lies? Which would you forgive and which won’t you?

We all lie in our profile. If you say you don’t than you’re lying if not to me then to yourself. I have this particularly good picture of me that I think still looks like me (I haven’t gained all that many wrinkles or weight since the picture was taken) but it is going on four years old. I know I know, you read the articles and they say you should put up a ‘recent’ picture of yourself (within the last six months) but I just can’t seem to find a picture that carries that same sparkle in my eye and twinkle in my teeth.  My point is I know for a FACT every one lies in their profile. It’s like an online resume and all you’re doing is maybe stretching the truth and putting your best foot forward. Here’s the question, which fibs can you forgive and forget and which ones are the deal breakers?

There are some of the more obvious deal breakers like; he’s married or she’s actually a man. Some walk a very delicate line and here are a few that I didn’t realize were actually deal breakers until they became deal breakers.

Separated vs. Divorced

I thought I was good with the whole ‘separation’ thing but there is just way too much drama and unresolved goo with the ex that I just stay the hell away until those papers are final. Sorry dude, if you said you were divorced and turns out you’re just separated I’m heading for the hills.

What you’re looking for

If you’re looking for something serious and listed that you’re actually looking for something casual then we’re clearly not on the same page. Or visa versa. If you’re vague about wanting children or getting married because you either really really want it or you actually don’t want anything to do with it. This is an issue that won’t just ‘work itself out in time’ which is what I had originally thought. Depending on what I’m looking for and what you’re looking for; if we aren’t on the same page, then you are potentially a big fat waste of time.


I really don’t care how much you make. As long as you love what you’re doing and can stand on your own two feet that’s all that matters. If you lie and say you are police man or doctor or teacher when actually are not said profession then we have problems.

 These, turns out, actually are NOT deal breakers:


Within reason, but I mean, if you added an inch or maybe two to your profile I’m not going to hold it against you. I’ll just wear flats to avoid feeling like a leviathan.


If you’ve put on a few extra pounds just own it! I’ve dated bigger guys before and they’re just cute and wonderful teddy bears that I just want to squish. I know what I’m getting. It’s like a blizzard, if I know it’s coming, I’m prepared for it. When it hits out of nowhere that’s when I get a little grumpy about it.


So you may have lied about your love of musicals because you wanted to impress me. That’s ok. I have girlfriends to go to the theatre with.

– Speedstripe

Image: Rocky Horror Picture Show

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